That's right. You get to challenge ANYONE you wish to throw on a Sumo wresting (very err, padded) suit and throw down in the ring.
Looking for a fight? Dress up as the economy. I'm sure someone will tackle ya.
Are you and a friend up for drumming up some laughs? Dress up as Obama vs. McCain and have at it. The crowd will love you!
- sign up on site
- Meet up with your challengee and go for it!
- prizes for "extra special" bouts, recipients to be determined by judge and ring master/MC Bruce France of Mondo Bizzaro
Could someone please challenge Fred Radtke, AKA the Grey Ghost, or at least dress up as him so people can work out some aggression that way? That would be terrific. I'll be tied up Pussyfooting all over the event...I cannot do both. My crinoline is too big!

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